Sunday, December 19, 2010

12192010 otb:more horse

yep. I'm having a lot of fun on this book - I've been using the pen tool a lot in Photoshop - a tool I generally reserved for Illustrator work, and felt was superfluous in Photoshop while graphic designing... I find it very useful for long sweeping lines that should be continuous and smooth - I mostly use it for my contour lines. Pictured above are some pages from Metal Locus.

Monday, November 29, 2010

on the table: 11292010 - i no heart motorcycles!

Pictured above is a screenshot of my photoshop document window. I would consider these my "pencils" - I've been working on this book completely digital, either on my modbook or cintiq. I've been approaching the same way I would a traditional page... i pencil things out using a 3-5 pixel brush set @ around 40% opacity - keep working it up until I like where things are going.
Eventually I'll save a jpg and send it over to my editor - if things look good, I'll get the OK to "ink" them - Pictured below is a crop of one of the pages I'm currently building up "ink" wise.

When I was drawing westerns, I would grumble about the horses... All the horses... Now that I'm working on Metal Locus... I have had to do a ton of motorcycles. Things like motorcycles, cars and guns slow me down a bit cause of they must be consistent- all those sharp and straight lines, mechanical parts, their construction, etc... for me organic shapes and objects are easier for me to envision... err... except for horses...

I suppose thats why they say it's important to draw EVERYTHING and then when you're done, do it again. Cause eventually... sooner than later... you'll probably come across it in a script. I, unfortunately, haven't drawn everything there is. I do however have google images and a friend with a neat motorcycle.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

on the table 11272010

I'm doing some digital inking today. This is one of my favorite panels from page 16 - I'm not quite done with it, but I wanted to post something, illuminate the process a little bit. One of the things I really love about working on a cintiq is having your original pencils available on a seperate layer... and being able to undo... but there are times when you can just undo and undo all night -

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

sketches - thoughts - more cyborgs

i did this sketch yesterday while having a mental block on a page for Metal Locus... i dunno. while i feel the figure is pretty generic, and a bit redundant in regards to some old sketches- I do like the colors and style. It's reminiscent of some of my older work that predates most of my comic efforts. I think I like my old coloring sensabilities and need to do more figure sketches and spend more time in junk yards...I wonder what a book with sort of washy watercolor type coloring mixed with comic art would look like... I'm sure there's a ton out there...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Gunmaster -

Here's a few snippets of the Public Domain Gunmaster story I did w/ Patrick Sessoms for ICCW.
I'm still waiting to see all the lettered pages... I originally thought the book was going to be in color... typically I would have approached the pages in a different manner for a black and white book, but I'm happy with the grey tones.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Metal Locus - Clint

Here's some pages I did for Frozen Beach Studios for the title Metal Locus.
Cover: Pencils, Inks - me Colors- Reggie Thermistocles.
Interiors: Pencils,Inks, colors by me Story by Stephan Nilson Letters by Charles Pritchet.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

SDCC 2010

I'm superthrilled to be going to San Diego Comic-Con 2010 this year with Frozen Beach Studios.
Our location # is 2107- So please do come by and say hi! We've got a ton of books and swag. I have a limited run of prints for the Brand new Metal Locus pin up shown above, as well as T shirts, sketchbooks, and assorted prints and other goods. We've got a lot of exciting announcements planned for SDCC 2010 as well- movies, tv shows, new books, and more!!! I'm so excited I might pee myself.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


felt like drawing death tightropin it... at least i found a use for those lame leaf brushes in photoshop. not all of those leaves are ps brushes...don't know how i feel about the leaves. i may revisit this one later.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

so... it's been a while since I updated my blog.
I've been through two close friends passing away, and a car accident recently. It took me a little time to get back into the swing of things... I had a hard time drawing for a few weeks because of minor injuries. I was also superbummed. I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been supportive during the last month or so, and I can't wait to get back working steady again.

On to more positive matters.

Just got back from Supercon in Miami. I had a wonderful time. I was in attendance at both the What the Flux Booth and the Frozen Beach studios Booth. I got the hang out with Jeramy Hobs(wtfc), Larry Jarrell(wtfc), and Stephan Nilson (FBS) for most of the weekend. These guys are all super talented and just overall great people, you know that Queen song "keep good company"? thats what we do.

I finally met Aris, from millarworld's boards. I used to post there pretty regularly, and he has always been supportive and a good honest source for critique, so meeting him in person was awesome.

Got a copy of Assassin's Guild #4
- Written by Randy Taylor, pencils by Dustin Weaver & Larry Jarrell, inks by Joe Fauvel & Zach Basset. The guys needed a quick lettering job- so I turned those around for them. I also printed up some shirts for their long awaited finale.

Just finished a 5 pager for an anthology. Some Action Figure designs for Frozen Beach Studios,
as well as a 3 page story for their title " Metal Locus".

Printed Extinction shirts printed up for the release of the "Extinction" TPB - written by Stephan Nilson art by Kyle Stokes- who by the way is an ultra chill dude and fun to hang out with.

I attended a few portfolio reviews as well. One of which was a personal victory was
finally getting a favorable and positive review as well as follow up info from a company that pretty much told me to get bent a few years ago. Bo Hampton did a group review as well during the con, which I attended, he was incredibly insightful, and it was great to see what everyone else has brewing up in their portfolios, I predict great things coming out of florida very soon.

I ran into Bo later at the hotel bar and he introduced me to a few people, it was a great evening listening to the pros share stories from their careers. I also ran into Derek Donovan, he was supercool and a blast to hang out with.

So yeah! A lot of bad stuff, followed up with a great weekend. I'll be heading off to SDCC in a few weeks with Frozen Beach Studios, let's hope the good energy is still flowing

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Some more crops from the upcoming "hollows point" anthology. I generally try not to break panel borders, but every once in a while I'll make an exception.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


yours truly is having a surprisingly irritating day- thought I'd post some art to see if that helps...
at least all my limbs are organic... see, there is a bright side. aargh to the 10thdegree.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Above you will find some concept sketches. While working on other projects, I've been cooking up this book for a some time - tentatively titled "The End" - If you've been following my blog, you might have seen some early sketches and doodles which have, at this point, taken on a life of their own in my head. I'm pretty horrible with words, but I'd say if the wizard of oz, silent hill, budhism, lost, and string theory had a baby, this book would be it. I have been joined by a number of friends and creators to help make sense of the tapestry of ideas, images and themes I would like to see in this book . We've been tossing plot ideas, sketches, and different sources of inspiration around these last few months. Everyone has other projects on their plate, so this book will probably be a long time in the works, but so far, I am very excited about the progress we have made thus far. I love drawing, but this part of the comics process, the part where new ideas are born and tossed back and forth, and evolve - is probably my favorite part. It reminds me of playing music - or a great conversation.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Here's a look at a page im currently working on for the upcoming Hollows Point Anthology which also features the sweet workings of Egg Embry, John Mcguire, Wilfredo Torres, Adrian Johnson, & Deleon Walters.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


This weekend- March 12-14th- I will be hanging out @ megacon.
I'll be in the Artist's Alley - Orange Section booths 21-23?.

Come stop by and say hi! I'll be doing sketches/commissions and signing sketchbooks.
I will also have some t shirts for sale as well as some prints and other goodies!

Monday, March 8, 2010


so.... drew this little guy this weekend while getting my stuffs ready for megacon... i haven't used a micron and brush together in a while... was watching THE BOX- cool movie.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Doles sketch

I finished my Sunday night's pages a little early and thought I'd do a quick pencil sketch of Doles.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


some snippets from the upcoming red plains #14 coming out this weekend.